
It takes only one moment to say "I love you"...But it will take a lifetime to show you how very much.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

This is NOT a Broom.

Hellllllllllllllo. :)
How are you my invisible non-existant followers? Hahha, in due time, I suppose. Anyhoo, so, today. Hum, where to start, where to start. Nothing really happened in Humanities today, but in guitar we're learning Back in the USSR, Ob-la-di Ob-la-da, Let It Be, among others, which is coool. :P Huuum. x)
So, in PE today Wicker decided we'd play Broomball. Caitlin and I were like "We're wacking a ball around with a broom? Oh, well that's not so bad!". No. Have you ever SEEN freakin' Broomball sticks? >< The picture below is the broomball stick. Broom? Not even CLOSE. (And for those familliar with Broomball, no we didn't play on ice. Gym floor. ><) Of course our sticks are a lot cheaper. ;D

Anyway. The majorly athletic guy in our class (Yess the one I like.), Geoff, got yelled at by Wicker at the beginning of class for taking a basketball out, even though Ozzy was actually the one who did it. Buut, for the rest of class, he was all sulky and he didn't even try to play. Yeah, I know. He didn't do ANYTHING. It was AMAZING. But I kinda wonder if it was really just Wicker yelling at him or if something else is going on... Humm.
Anyway, after Advisory Caitlin and I headed to the Main Gym to pick up the score clock, but Geoff was going in so I said (sarcastically) "Oh, okay. Or he can get it. Whhatever." So, he went into the PE office, got the score clock, walked out, handed it to me, and left. It was really odd, and we didn't see him for the rest of lunch.
In Planning today the boring presentations continued. I know it's good to be aware about drugs and blahdeblahblah, but do we really have to sit through hours and hours of presentations? Oh. And tomorrow we've gotta watch "Supersize Me". Fun.
Well, I'm off to go read. I'll (most likely) write tomorrow!

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